How to rotate instantated prefab without rotating it's local directions by javascript?

I have created Wheel prefab. And instantiate it 4 times to get 4 wheels with one drawcall.
Wheel have more datailed external side and less detailed internal side. During instantiation need rotate Front right and back right wheels - to make it’s less detailed sides look inside.
Rotation I try to do in 2 wrong ways:

var fwStifness = 0.9;
var swStifness = 0.25;
var spring = 5500;
var damper = 50;

var Vehicle : GameObject;
var Mesh_FL : GameObject;
var Mesh_BL : GameObject;
var Mesh_FR : GameObject;
var Mesh_BR : GameObject;
function Start () {
Vehicle = Instantiate(Resources.Load("IS200-prefab", GameObject),, Quaternion.identity);
	Mesh_FL = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Wheel", GameObject),, Quaternion.identity);
	Mesh_BL = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Wheel", GameObject),, Quaternion.identity);
	Mesh_FR = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Wheel", GameObject),, Quaternion.identity);
	Mesh_BR = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Wheel", GameObject),, Quaternion.identity);
// was unnecessary code for my question
	Mesh_FL.transform.position = Vector3(-0.7,0.32,1.33);
	//1st way
	Mesh_FL.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3(0,180,0);	
	//2nd way
	Mesh_FL.transform.parent = Vehicle.transform;"FL";
	Mesh_FR.transform.position = Vector3(0.7,0.32,1.33);
	Mesh_FR.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3(0,0,0);
	Mesh_FR.transform.parent = Vehicle.transform;"FR";
function Update () {
Mesh_FL.transform.Rotate(10 * -6 * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);
Mesh_FR.transform.Rotate(10 * -6 * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);

On update this wheels are rotating in different ways (because their pivot directions look in different ways)

How can I rotate mesh of wheel prefab after instantiation without changing pivot direction?
Thank you, and sorry for my poor English.

As I understand it, you want to rotate an object without changing its axes. That simply isn’t possible - it’s the same as saying “I want to rotate this without rotating it”

There are ways to achieve the same effect, however. The easiest way is to add a parent to the object. You can then rotate the object without rotating the parent. The parent axes won’t move, and the child axes will.

Alternatively, you can modify the mesh itself. I wouldn’t suggest that for a beginner.