How to rotate my gameObject using Joystick control?

So, I am still a beginner C# game dev. and I am
making a 2d airplane game right now
and I wanted to know how I can make
this feature when the joystick is
faced in a direction let us say I
moved the joystick to the left or the
right. The player will face left or
right base on where the player will
move the joystick. How do I code this
using the script I am using below. I
still haven’t figured it out yet in
using quaternions or other types of
rotations because of this. Can you
give me the answer using a code?

public float moveSpeed;
Rigidbody2D myBody;
protected Joystick joystick;

public Joystick joysticks;

void Start()
    joystick = FindObjectOfType<Joystick>();
    myBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();

void Update()
    myBody.velocity = new Vector2(joystick.Horizontal * moveSpeed, joystick.Vertical * moveSpeed);

@S4idus , first, here is a tip: do not set rigdibody.velocity in an update function. Use rigdbody.AddForce instead. See the Unity documentation on rigidbody.velocity to learn why.

There are several ways to do rotate. One method is to get the existing rotation and apply the new rotation to it. In vectors, to move one vector by another vector you add them. In Quaternions, you multiply them, but note that Quaternion rotations are not associative. Rotating A by B may not give the same result as rotating B by A. So, A * B != B * A.

To rotate, you can:

 rigidbody.rotation =  rigidbody.rotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis( joystick.Horizontal * moveSpeed, Vector3.foward);  // in 2d, Up is along the z axis.

So more full code, assuming your plane graphic’s forward is the +x axis:

public float turnSpeed = some value you need to set in the inspector
void FixedUpdate()
     //  move forward on local x when moving joystick up or down
     float forwardMove =  joystick.Vertical;
     if( forwardMove >= 0 ){  // don't allow backwards movement
                 myBody.AddForce( transform.right *  forwardMove * moveSpeed ); 
     // rotate on z axis when moving joystick left or right.
     myBody.rotation =  myBody.rotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis( joystick.Horizontal * turnSpeed, Vector3.foward); 

The issue of backwards movement if you pull down on the joystick is something you’ll have to refine.