How to run a single scene in Play Mode without running the entire project?


So, I’m working on a pretty big project in Unity and whenever I want to test sth out I have to run en entire game to see it working or not. But a few months ago when I hit Play, Unity ran only that one scene that was opened. In my previous project it was also the case, Play Mode was running the scene, not game, and F5 was responsible for running the entire game. Now the devs made some changes and no one in the studio can explain how to get what I want. In fact, they claim that the current state is a proper one. But it’s really inconvenient to me as a current build is unstable and it’s pretty hard to get to my scene to even test it out.

To sum up, is there any way to run a single scene without running the entire project? Thanks for the help.

The default in Unity is to run only the scene that is currently open in the editor.

If you are seeing some other behavior it’s probably due to some editor extension you have installed in your project.

Thanks. Is there any way to bypass that other than exporting a prefab and importing in into a fresh project?


If you’re using source control you can speed up your builds by deleting most of your project except for the small parts you care about building at any given instant. Depending on how well-organized your project is, this can be easy or difficult.

Another way is to select all Textures and set their max size very small (64x64?) and reimport them with no compression. That onetime cost will vastly speed up your compile / run cycle, but your game will look super-low-res, but you can test quickly.

Just make sure you don’t commit any of the above damage!


Bypass what, specifically?

This obstacle of not being able to run the scene in the isolation. But @Kurt-Dekker pretty much explained the problem. Thanks!