how to run update every second

hi, i need my code to execute a function every 1 second, i have them placed in the update() function, however it is being called too frequently. What is a solution?

Game coding 101 - Update() runs every frame regardless :wink:

From the Start() function instead call

InvokeRepeating("YOUR FUNCTION NAME", 0, 1.0);

"Your function name " should be the function which has the code you want execution every 1sec see

You can try this simple way fo more precision than InvokeRepeating :

    // Next update in second
    private int nextUpdate=1;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update(){
    	// If the next update is reached
    		// Change the next update (current second+1)
    		// Call your fonction
    // Update is called once per second
    void UpdateEverySecond(){
    // ...

You can also try this:

    int interval = 1; 
    float nextTime = 0;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

        if (Time.time >= nextTime) {

             //do something here every interval seconds

             nextTime += interval; 


int interval = 1;

    void Update()
        if (Time.time % interval == 0)
            // Your call