This may seem a dumb question, but how do I delete a prefab making sure it doesn’t break anything?
I have a project full of clutter and I am trying to clean it up.
I took for granted that if I delete a prefab unity would just replace any prefab occurrence with an unpacked version but the editor says “unpack in all open scenes”.
I thought it was just a typo, but no, it did break all prefab instances on all scenes not currently open.
So please don’t tell me again I need a script to do such a basic task.
I was looking for the difference between “delete and unpack” and “delete only”. It didn’t matter to me much because I’d removed all references to the prefabs I was deleting but thought maybe I am missing something. I think never delete a prefab that’s being used somewhere. Creating it in the first place was a mistake and there is no option but to spend the same amount of time correcting the mistake. Speaking from experience.