How to sample a texture in a compute shader ?


I am trying to sample a texture in a compute shader. Following the compute shader documentation page. You need to create a sampler, then use texture.Sample().

I defined my texture and sampler as

Texture2D<float4> myTexture;
SamplerState linearClampSampler

and call it as float4 color = myTexture.Sample(linearClampSampler, uv);

However, this gives me an cannot map expression to cs_5_0 instruction set error

What is the correct way to sample a texture in a compute shader ?

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It turns out SampleLevel works

float4 color = myTexture.SampleLevel(linearClampSampler, uv, 0);

I wish this kind of simple example was added in the compute shader documentation.


@barbelot Coz Mipmapping sampling is not defined in compute shader pipeline, you need to specifiy the texture lod manully