How to save data without using PlayerPrefs?

Hello everybody, I read all questions, answers and guides about playerprefs that I could find, nothing helped me, so Im asking if there is another easy way to save data.
So you knew what Im trying to do here is my code:

var controlTexture : Texture2D;
var controlTexture1 : Texture2D;
var Score :int;
var Enemy : Transform;
var dist:int =1;
var lost = false;
var customSkin :GUISkin;
var highscore:int;


function start(){
highscore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighscoreSTR");


function OnGUI () { = customSkin;
		     GUI.Box(new Rect(10,10,150,45), Score.ToString());
		     GUI.Box(new Rect(10,60,150,45), highscore.ToString());

		     if (lost) {
		      GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width/2 -207 ,Screen.height/2 -95  ,420,200),"Well Played!");
	if (GUI.Button (Rect (Screen.width/2 -200,Screen.height/2 + 50,150,50), controlTexture)){
    if (GUI.Button (Rect (Screen.width/2 +50,Screen.height/2 + 50,150,50), controlTexture1)){
    GUI.Label (Rect (Screen.width/2 -20 ,Screen.height/2 -50,500,500), Score.ToString());

function Update () { 
if (Score >= highscore){
	highscore = Score;
	PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighscoreSTR", highscore);
	dist = Vector3.Distance(Enemy.position, transform.position);
		if (dist <=2){
	lost = true;

	if (lost){
	 Time.timeScale = 0;
	 Time.timeScale = 1;	
	for (var touch : Touch in Input.touches) {
				if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) {
	if (dist ==3){
	Score = Score + 5 ;
	if (dist ==4){
	Score = Score + 3 ;
	if (dist ==5){
	Score = Score + 1 ;

Hi Milerael.

Your PlayerPrefs code is actually working the way it should expect.

However, as your ‘start’ function is lowercase. It isn’t running and thus not loading the highscore.


function start(){


function Start(){

Also, please consider changing:

if (Score >= highscore){


if (Score > highscore){

To prevent your score being set to the same number on Update.

here is a unity xml example

or you can do an sqlite approach