How to save gameobject values with respect to scene?

I am making a custom tool for my game, In my editor I have a IntSlider which has some value like 10. I want to save that value to a selected gameobject with respect to scene name.

I have Gameobjects named: Button1, Button2
IntSlider Value: MaxUse
Scenes: Test1.unity, Test2.unity

Practical Senario:
In Test1.unity scene I selected Button1 gameobject and its IntSlider value i.e MaxUse will show 2. But, if I Open Test2.unity scene and Select Button1 gameobject which is also in Test2.unity and its IntSlider value will be 2.

So I want to save IntSlider value of a selected gameobject based on the scene.

Here is my Code!

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class DataStoreTest : EditorWindow

    public int shrinkvalue;
    public string SceneName;

    void OnEnable()
        string sceneName = EditorApplication.currentScene;
        string[] lines = Regex.Split(sceneName, "/");
        SceneName = lines[lines.Length - 1];

        if(Selection.activeObject != null)
            PlayerPrefs.GetInt(, shrinkvalue);

    [MenuItem("Temple Mystery/ Test")]
    static void Init()
        DataStoreTest TestWindow = (DataStoreTest)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(DataStoreTest));
        TestWindow.title = "Test Window";

    void OnInspectorUpdate()

    void OnGUI()
        if(Selection.activeGameObject != null)
            shrinkvalue = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Shrink", shrinkvalue, 1, 10);
    void OnSelectionChange()
        if (Selection.activeGameObject != null)
            shrinkvalue = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(;

    void OnLostFocus()

    void OnDisable()

    void OnDestroy()

    void SaveValue()
        if(Selection.activeGameObject != null)
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt(, shrinkvalue);

Plz reply ASAP!!!
Thanks in Advance!

You can try this roundabout way, if I get what you are saying:

  1. Make an empty game object in Test1.scene
  2. Attach a script to hold slider value on this game object
  3. Use Object.DontDestroyOnLoad when Sitching from Test1.scene to Test2.scene
  4. Extract the stored slider value from empty game object loaded in scene to your slider script.

Hope this is what you are looking for …