how to save the resolutions for the options menu

Hi, thanks a lot in advice
i’m doing the options menu for the game(the resolutions) and i now have all the code that i need but i don’t know how to save it with the player prefs

basically I would like to save the resolution of the dropdown and the fullscreen to make that when I select a resolution and then I close the game, when I reopen the game everything is saved

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ResolutionMenu : MonoBehaviour

public Dropdown resolutionDropdown;
Resolution[] resolutions;
int currentResolutionIndex = 0;

void Start()

    resolutions = Screen.resolutions;

    List<string> options = new List<string>();

    for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.Length; i++)

        string option = resolutions_.width + " x " + resolutions*.height;*_

if(resolutions_.width == Screen.currentResolution.width && resolutions*.height == Screen.currentResolution.height)
currentResolutionIndex = i;
resolutionDropdown.value = currentResolutionIndex;
public void SetFullscreen(bool isFullscreen)
Screen.fullScreen = isFullscreen;
public void SetResolution(int resolutionIndex)
Resolution resolution = resolutions[resolutionIndex];
Screen.SetResolution(resolution.width, resolution.height, Screen.fullScreen);

this is the code(brackeys) and basically i want to save the fullscreen toggle and the current resolution of the dropdown
thank a lot in advice for your time!_

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ResolutionMenu : MonoBehaviour
    private const string resolutionWidthPlayerPrefKey = "ResolutionWidth";
    private const string resolutionHeightPlayerPrefKey = "ResolutionHeight";
    private const string resolutionRefreshRatePlayerPrefKey = "RefreshRate";
    private const string fullScreenPlayerPrefKey = "FullScreen";
    public Toggle fullScreenToggle;
    public Dropdown resolutionDropdown;
    Resolution[] resolutions;
    Resolution selectedResolution;
    void Start()
        resolutions = Screen.resolutions;


    private void LoadSettings()
        selectedResolution = new Resolution();
        selectedResolution.width = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(resolutionWidthPlayerPrefKey, Screen.currentResolution.width);
        selectedResolution.height = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(resolutionHeightPlayerPrefKey, Screen.currentResolution.height);
        selectedResolution.refreshRate = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(resolutionRefreshRatePlayerPrefKey, Screen.currentResolution.refreshRate);
        fullScreenToggle.isOn = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(fullScreenPlayerPrefKey, Screen.fullScreen ? 1 : 0) > 0;


    private void CreateResolutionDropdown()
        List<string> options = new List<string>();
        int currentResolutionIndex = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.Length; i++)
            string option = resolutions_.width + " x " + resolutions*.height;*_

if (Mathf.Approximately(resolutions_.width, selectedResolution.width) && Mathf.Approximately(resolutions*.height, selectedResolution.height))
currentResolutionIndex = i;
resolutionDropdown.value = currentResolutionIndex;

public void SetFullscreen(bool isFullscreen)
Screen.fullScreen = isFullscreen;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(fullScreenPlayerPrefKey, isFullscreen ? 1 : 0);
public void SetResolution(int resolutionIndex)
selectedResolution = resolutions[resolutionIndex];
Screen.SetResolution(selectedResolution.width, selectedResolution.height, Screen.fullScreen);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(resolutionWidthPlayerPrefKey, selectedResolution.width);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(resolutionHeightPlayerPrefKey, selectedResolution.height);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(resolutionRefreshRatePlayerPrefKey, selectedResolution.refreshRate);
### You will also have to remove the callbacks you have specified through the inspector of the dropdown and the toggle. All is set up by code.

@Hellium thanks for your time! I tried with your code but it doesn’t seem to work…