How to scale probuilder mesh while keep texture not scaled?

Sometimes I want to change the scale of a probuilder gameobject to fit some sizes, but when I change the scale in Inspector, its texture will also be stretched, it is annoying.

like this:

Adjust tiling in UV editor is a solution, but it need a lot of repeat operation. Is there any smart solutions?

don’t ever change the object scale if you wnat texture size to stay consistent. Instead use the vert, edge or face mode to modify the object. Just use any of these and select everything (first make sure that hidden selection is on) and then use the scale tool to make the whole thing smaller/ bigger while keeping the scale factor the same

Yes, you are right. Seems ProBuilder doesn’t recommended scale the ProBuilder GameObject directly. And since someone strongly demands this feature, we have to create a new material which can ignore the local scale for it.