How to see if a string in a string array is equal to a normal string in C#?

Hello all! I have an issue right now. Currently I have a function which will check to see if an array in a string is equal to one that I input into the function. However I have found out that something which stops the script from working properly is that a normal string seemingly cannot be equal to a string from a string array even if they are equal on sight (I have tested this via debug.log).

My question is how I can compare these two or convert one of them to allow proper comparison.

Here is my main script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class dialogue : MonoBehaviour
	public TextAsset dialogueFile; //The .txt file the script draws its dialogue lines from

	public string[] lineTitle; //the array that holds the titles of the dialogue line
	public string[] line;//the array that holds the actual contents of the dialogue line 
	public	GameObject sub;//The on-screen text object used to display the dialogue line
	private float timeHolder; // holds the countdown duration
	private bool timeOut = true; //Determines if time has run out for the subtitle's appearance yet. If this is false, the subtitle line will be deactivated

	void Start ()
		sub.SetActive (false);
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update ()
		//Starts Counting down 
		if (timeOut == false) {
			timeHolder -= Time.deltaTime;
			if (timeHolder < 0) {
				sub.SetActive (false);
				timeOut = true;

	public void displayLine (string lineName, float duration)
		string[] lines = dialogueFile.text.Split ('

'); //Creates a string array from the .txt file

		timeHolder = duration;

		for (int g = 0; g<3; g++) {
			lineTitle [g] = lines [g * 3]; //puts line title in appropriate string array slot
			line [g] = lines [1+ (g * 3)]; //puts actual line in appropriate string array slot

			if (lineName==lineTitle [g]) { //The MAIN part which does not work. Should be comparing the line title to the line I input in a function. Displays the subtitle if this is true
				sub.SetActive (true);
				Debug.Log(lineTitle [g]);
				sub.GetComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Text> ().text = line [g];
				timeOut = false;

Here is what an example of the main “displayLine” function from the previous script being used:


Here is what the .txt file that I draw the dialogue lines from looks like (Placeholder lines):

I am going to try and decide what to do
Maybe this will work just fine?
How about we try being certain about it?

You could use lineName.Equals(lineTitle[g]) I think. check here :
link text