How to select specific objects in GameObject array?

Hello, I’m trying to make a card game of sorts and I have a deck of 32 cards and I want to deal 8 cards to four players. I wrote a function that shuffles the deck and now I want to deal the cards. I know how to deal all 32 cards to one player but I can’t figure out how to deal 8 cards to every player (4). I have a GameObject array that consists of all the cards and I cannot figure out how to select only 8 elements (cards) in that array and deal them to a specific player. If anyone knows the answer I would greatly appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Here is the code (The problem is in the DealCardsPhase() method)

// Game Objects

public GameObject[] cardsArray;
public GameObject playerHand;
public GameObject opponentHand;
public GameObject dropZone;
private GameObject temporaryGameObject; // For the ShuffleCards() method.

// Game Phases (States)

[SerializeField] bool gameStartPhase;
[SerializeField] bool shuffleCardsPhase;
[SerializeField] bool dealCardsPhase;
[SerializeField] bool playPhase;
[SerializeField] bool endPhase;
[SerializeField] bool gameEndPhase;

private void Update()


private void GameStartPhase()
    if (timeCounter <= 1f)
        Debug.Log("---- Game Start Phase ----");

        gameStartPhase = true;

        foreach (GameObject card in cardsArray) // Places cards on the drop zone (for shuffling in the shuffling phase).

        gameStartPhase = false;

private void ShuffleCardsPhase()
    if ((timeCounter > 1f) && (timeCounter <= 4f))
        Debug.Log("---- Shuffle Cards Phase ----");


        shuffleCardsPhase = true;

        shuffleCardsPhase = false;


private void DealCardsPhase()
    if ((timeCounter > 4f) && (timeCounter <= 7f))
        Debug.Log("---- Deal Cards Phase ----");

        dealCardsPhase = true;

        foreach (GameObject card in cardsArray) // Deal (shuffled) cards to players.

        dealCardsPhase = false;


private void ShuffleCards() // Constantly shuffle cards (objects in array).
    for (int cards = 0; cards < cardsArray.Length; cards++)
        // Debug.Log(cards);

        int random = Random.Range(0, cardsArray.Length);
        temporaryGameObject = cardsArray[random];
        cardsArray[random] = cardsArray[cards];
        cardsArray[cards] = temporaryGameObject;


public GameObject playersHand;

private void DealCardsPhase()
     if ((timeCounter > 4f) && (timeCounter <= 7f))
         Debug.Log("---- Deal Cards Phase ----");
         dealCardsPhase = true;
         int iterator, index = 0;
         foreach (GameObject card in cardsArray) // Deal (shuffled) cards to players.

             if(iterator > 7){  index++; iterator = 0;}
         dealCardsPhase = false;

works perfectly, thank you very much :slight_smile: