how to send data from unity desktop application to a unity web player application

so I have 2 PCs A and B

A runs a desktop unity C# application acts like a tcp server socket sends some bytes to B.

B runs a unity web player application as tcp client sockets

problem is that B asks A for a socket policy which should be located in web server root, but since A is not a web server I couldn’t find a way for B to fetch the policy, is there any?

and if not, I suppose that I have to use a web server which receives bytes from A and sends it to B, am I right? and if so how to set up such server?


If you need the web player code on B to use sockets, then it needs to connect on port 843 to a server running on A. See the sandbox page:

Note that the socket policy is not served by a web server, but by a standalone app that is shipped in the Unity folder.