How to send sqlite database file created by the game to server in unity android?

I am creating an sqlite database through my unity game for android device.

I want to send the database file to server. For this I used FTP ( the “ftplib” library).
This works while you test the game in unity editor(build platform : android) but NOT on the Actual Android Device.

In the device it gave the following exception :
System.DllNotFoundException: wininet.dll at (wrapper managed-to-native)FtpLib.WININET:InternetOpen(string,int,string,string,int)at FtpLib.FtpConnection.Open()

In Unity am coding in c# and unityscript.

Is there a way to FTP files to the server from an android device through the unity game (without JAVA…In Unity am coding in c# and unityscript.)
Please Help…

Is a question of finding the file, I believe. The file must be placed in the Streaming Assets folder for Android to find it.