May 4, 2020, 5:10pm
Hello i just found that i can’t send more than one parameter to a Json Function so i did array of string to send to the function parameter
object[] tempStorage = new object[2];
tempStorage[0] = ExpName;
tempStorage[1] = ExpName + pdfName;
Application.ExternalCall("OpenPDFUIButton", tempStorage);
in json file how to be able to separate those 2 values to get the value i want
function OpenPDFUIButton (expNameAndFileName)
var PName = "http://21.32.56/Virtual/Files/"+expName+"/"+expNameAndFileName;
Never saw that method before (and it says its obsolete) but as you function probably is JavaScript, I guess
function OpenPDFUIButton (names)
var PName = "http://21.32.56/Virtual/Files/"+names[0]+"/"+names[1];
should do the trick?
May 4, 2020, 8:15pm
are you sure of this Answer ?
based on the documentation: Unity - Scripting API: Application.ExternalCall
First off this is an obsolete way to call JS functions. There’s a better way here: Unity - Manual: Interaction with browser scripting
You probably want to make your argument a string[ ] instead of an object[ ]. The docs seem to suggest that other types besides what it lists will be sent as the ToString() method of that object. ToString() of object[ ] is probably not what you want.