How to separate tiles in a 2D platformer game?

I decided to make a simple platformer game to bring it to the end exactly, but I ran into a problem. I wanted to use Tilemap to build level objects. According to my idea, some objects do not have any interaction with the player, while others do. The reference is the Mario game. But all the tiles are one, and I do not know how to separate them. At the same time, there will also be tiles that must physically move. What do they do in this case when creating a 2D platformer using Tilemap?


For these cases I often ask ChatGPT to come with a few examples. Also have a look at CodeMonkey, he has some awesome tutorials for all kind of games.

I use a tilemap as a base and position seperate (moveable) objects on top of it. I use the tilemap to get the right positions and simplify the space, but movement and details are done by adding graphical objects on top of the map, in a seperate layer that is rendered later.