How to set a cast?


    float timeleft = 600;

    void Update ()
        timeleft -= Time.deltaTime;

This simple code counts down in seconds, but displays it as a long float. How do I cast timeleft as an integer or display it as an integer? By changing float to int I get an error saying ‘are you missing a cast?’

Casting is when you force one data type to become another. When you change timeleft to an Int you’re trying to put a float (deltaTime) into an Int and the compiler wonders if you’ve missed a cast. To cast it, you do this:

timeleft -= (int)Time.deltaTime;

Although with what you’re doing, you’re probably better keeping the timeleft as a float and formatting the display part:


This makes it display as a Floating point number with 0 decimal places.

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