How to set a Scrollbar target ?

Hi guys,

I have a Panel which contains many Buttons - I decided to add a Scrollbar (create->ui->Scrollbar) but I can’t find the way to specify which element has to be scroll (my panel). I tried to set the Scrollbar as a child of the Panel but it didn’t change anything.

I have one other issue w/ the Scrollbar, wether I set it leftToRight or TopToBottom the Scrollbar keep an horizontal shape - it never is vertical.

What am’I doing wrong ?

Thank you.

From the sounds of it, you need a scroll rect. Don’t worry, it’s super easy.

Then you link this to your scroll bar. As far as the shape of it is concerned, set the mode you want (top/bottom, left/right etc) then just shape it as needed with the rectangle tools.

Thank you !