In the inspector for a UnityEvent field it is possible to assign the dynamic bool result to the interactable property of a button (or any selectable). I would like to automatically assign this call from a script rather than go through the inspector because I have a large number of such links to create.
Using the AddPersistentListener I know it is possible to call a function of a UnityEngine.Object with a bool parameter, however unfortunately interactable is a property of selectable and there is no ‘SetInteractable’ function I can assign. I also tried adding an extension method for the Selectable class to create such a method, however it turns out static methods are not allowed in the AddPersistentListener either, nor are lambda expressions, and I do not want to subclass button just to add this tiny wrapper function either. My current workaround is to store a reference to the selectable and add a new method to the class that is calling ‘AddPersistentListener’ such as this:
public class ButtonLinker: MonoBehaviour
public Button button;
public UnityEvent<bool> buttonInteractableCaller;
public void SetButtonInteractable(bool interactable) {
button.interactable = interactable;
public void OnValidate() {
But it would be better if there is some method to assign interactable without having to create this wrapper in the other class. I think unity itself must do something else because the inspector seems to be able to assign a dynamic bool to the interactable property itself without such a wrapper, any ideas how to achieve this?