How to set a Texture from an External Folder.

Hi Guys!
Im working in something.
The Idea its pretty simple, the user will load and texture for an especific object.
Im Using UnityEditor to get the path, and im stored it in a Stirng.
Somehint like this:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;

public class LoadContent : MonoBehaviour {

	string path;
	void Start () {

	void Update () {

	void OnMouseDown(){
		path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Overwrite with png",	"",	"png");
		StartCoroutine (LoadImageAsTexture (path));

	IEnumerator LoadImageAsTexture(string sPath){
		WWW www = new WWW (sPath);
		yield return www;
		Texture2D texTmp = new Texture2D (256,256);
		this.renderer.material.SetTexture ("_MainTex", texTmp);

But it doesnt work, mi Quad isnt changing Texture.

I Hope you could help me guys.

Since you are using local file from device itself you need to prepend file:/// to your path.

WWW www = new WWW ("file:///" + sPath);