How to set active/unactive chat window

Hi! i got a multiplayer chat that works when you put the mouse on it. The problem is that its fps game and is a mess. When i write i send the text but i have to click again on te window, hide the mouse… I wonder to know if there is a way to set active/unactive chat window with enter key. I paste the chat code here, thanks

var skin : GUISkin;
var showChat = false;
private var inputField = “”;
private var display = true;
private var entries = ArrayList();
private var scrollPosition : Vector2;

private var window = Rect(20, 500,700, 200);

class ChatEntry
var sender = “”;
var text = “”;
var mine = true;

function CloseChatWindow ()
showChat = false;
inputField = “”;
entries = new ArrayList();

function FocusControl ()
// We can’t select it immediately because the control might not have been drawn yet.
// Thus it is not known to the system!
GUI.FocusControl(“Chat input field”);

function OnGUI ()
{ = skin;

//if (GUILayout.Button(showChat ? "Hide Chat" : "Display Chat"))
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width-100, Screen.height-30, 90, 20), showChat ? "Hide Chat" : "Display Chat"))
	// Focus first element
	if (showChat)
		CloseChatWindow ();
		showChat = true;

if (showChat)
	window = GUI.Window (1, window, GlobalChatWindow, "Chat");


function GlobalChatWindow (id : int) {

var closeButtonStyle ="close_button");
if (GUI.Button(Rect (4, 4, closeButtonStyle.normal.background.width, closeButtonStyle.normal.background.height), "", "close_button"))

// Begin a scroll view. All rects are calculated automatically - 
// it will use up any available screen space and make sure contents flow correctly.
// This is kept small with the last two parameters to force scrollbars to appear.
scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView (scrollPosition);

for (var entry : ChatEntry in entries)
	if (!entry.mine)
		GUILayout.FlexibleSpace ();
		GUILayout.Label (entry.text, "chat_rightaligned");
		GUILayout.Label (entry.text, "chat_leftaligned");
		GUILayout.FlexibleSpace ();
// End the scrollview we began above.
GUILayout.EndScrollView ();

if (Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown && Event.current.character == "

" && inputField.Length > 0)
//@TODO: This should be dependent on who actually sent the message
//var mine = entries.Count % 2 == 0;
ApplyGlobalChatText(inputField, 1);
networkView.RPC(“ApplyGlobalChatText”, RPCMode.Others, inputField, 0);
inputField = “”;
GUI.SetNextControlName(“Chat input field”);
inputField = GUILayout.TextField(inputField);



function ApplyGlobalChatText (str : String, mine : int)
var entry = new ChatEntry();
entry.sender = “Not implemented”;
entry.text = str;
if (mine == 1) entry.mine = true;
else entry.mine = false;


if (entries.Count > 50)
scrollPosition.y = 1000000;	


function Update (){

showChat = true;



I am not sure is the best solution: I am using something like this in C# (using F1 key for chat and trying to fix the focus & game pause by ESC things):

	string chatLine = "";
	private bool isVisible = false;
	private bool focusStart = false;
	void Update() {
		if (Input.GetKeyDown("f1")) {
			isVisible = !isVisible;	
			focusStart = false;

	void OnGUI () {

		if(!isVisible) return;
		if (Event.current.Equals (Event.KeyboardEvent ("escape")) 
			|| Event.current.Equals (Event.KeyboardEvent ("f1"))
			isVisible = false;
		if(!focusStart) {

			chatLine = "";
			focusStart = true;
		GUI.SetNextControlName ("ChatInput");
        chatLine = GUILayout.TextField(chatLine);
        if ( ( (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return 
                && Event.current.type == EventType.KeyUp ) 
               || GUILayout.Button("Send") ) 
               && chatLine !="") 

            // Send Chat RPC

             chatLine = "";
