How to set GUI button "1" to "0"?

Hi I’m trying to set a GUI button to triggerGo = 0; Because I’m using a Static Variable to enable a script in other object.

So a need to use the same button, But when I hit the button its only makes “triggerGo == 1”
so I can’t disable the script in my other object.

Here you can see my script

Any advice?

Thanks in advance!

function OnGUI (){ = Skin_power;
if (GUI.Button(Rect(870,227,80,56),"")){
	triggerGo = 1;

You could do something like:

triggerGo = (triggerGo + 1) % 2;

This will flop triggerGo between 0 and 1.

If it just two values, you could use a boolean:

triggerGo = !triggerGo;