Currently, I am using Odin Inspector to make quick and dirty editor scripts for a prototype, Right now, I am just using it to make inspector-buttons to run code outside of play mode from a monobehaviour in the scene.
I have it set to instantiate game objects, and then copy over values to those gameobjects when pressed, and it works as expected until I enter play mode, and all of the copied-over values disappear. From what I understand, I need to be marking the objects as dirty but I don’t really understand what method I should be using in my specific case.
The relevant code:
[Button("Initialize Grid")]
private void ManualInitializeGrid()
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for (x = tilemap.cellBounds.min.x; x < tilemap.cellBounds.max.x; x++)
for (y = tilemap.cellBounds.min.y; y < tilemap.cellBounds.max.y; y++)
TilemapGridTile tilemapTile = tilemap.GetTile(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0)) as TilemapGridTile;
Vector3 position = grid.GetCellCenterWorld(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0));
GridTile ob = Instantiate(gridTileObject, tilemap.transform);
ob.Initialize(tilemapTile.Info, new Vector2Int(x,y)); //copies over the data
ob.transform.position = tilemap.WorldToLocal(position);
Any help is appreciated!