How to set up a UDP connection with a nodejs server in Unity?

Trying to send a buffer from a Unity C# project to a Node.js server and I can’t seem to get any data to transfer. I know this could work I think I may be missing something. See code below any help is appreciated.

Node.js “Server”

var udpPort = 9082;
var url = require ('url');
var udp = require ('dgram');
var http = require ('http');
var request = require ('request');
var udpServer = udp.createSocket ('udp4').bind (9082, '');

udpServer.on ('close', function (err) {
    console.log ("UDP close");

udpServer.on ('error', function (err) {
    console.log ("UDP Error: " + err.toString ());

udpServer.on ('message', function (data, port) {
    console.log ("UDP received");

udpServer.on ('listening', function () {
    var address = udpServer.address ();
    console.log ("UDP Listening On IP: " + address.address + " at Port: " + address.port);

module.exports = function (){
    this.send = function (objectID, script, action, variables){


Unity C# App

using UnityEngine;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net;

public class Web : MonoBehaviour {

    int UdpPort = 9082;
    string host = "";
    UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding ();
    WaitForSeconds UdpDelay = new WaitForSeconds (.3f);
    IPEndPoint UdpEndPoint = null;
    UdpClient client = null;

    public class JsonObject : System.Object {
        public string[] values;

        public JsonObject (string[] array) {
            values = array;

    public void UdpConnect () {
        client = new UdpClient ();

    public void UdpDisconnect () {
        client.Close ();

    void UdpReceive(byte[] data){
        string JsonString = encoding.GetString (data);
        JsonObject Json = JsonUtility.FromJson <JsonObject> (JsonString);

    IEnumerator UdpCoro() {
        byte[] data = null;
        while (true){
            if (client.Available > 0) {
                yield return null;
                data = client.Receive (ref UdpEndPoint);
                UdpReceive (data);
                data = null;
            yield return UdpDelay;

    public void UdpSend (params string[] values){
        JsonObject Json = new JsonObject (values);
        string Jsonstring = JsonUtility.ToJson (Json);
        byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes (Jsonstring);
        client.Send (data, data.Length, host, UdpPort);

    void Start (){
        UdpConnect ();
        UdpSend ("Test");

Have not gotten to the receive part yet so thats probably wrong and can be ignored.

Thanks, Sean

Set up the server as an IPEndPoint and had the client connect to it explicitly. Used client.send without specifying an arbitrary host destination. Works now.