How to set up the Cinemashine camera?

I have a 2D game.

I use Cinemashine camera, but I am not quite happy with the camera moving behind the character.

The character’s movement speed along x = 5 units per second. The movement is instantaneous (velocity).
The problem is in the dumping (XDamping setting).

When the character starts moving, the camera follows the character with a slight lag (XDamping = 0.5). When the character stops, the camera “catches up” with the character, “centers” on him in 0.5 seconds.

And here the problem arises. Catching up with the character, the camera gradually reduces its speed. At the very end, when the camera was almost centered on the character, the camera moves by fractions of a unit - and this looks bad.
The character is standing, and the camera moves towards him by fractions of a unit.

Set XDamping = 5 (for example) and then it will be clear what we are talking about. Look at the behavior - camera centering in the last seconds.

How to set up Cinemashine camera?

Current Camera Settings