how to setup a status system for main character and enemies?

i dont know if im asking this question right, almost finished with my rpg game but how should i go about the player stats? like strenght , vitality, dexterity, magic and how should i apply that on character and enemies like umm how would i calculate the damage increase per lvl and enemy deifficulty? as well as how should i add stats on weapons so it wont be too weak nor too powerfull ?
like umm i want to make some enemies weaker so player can handle them even as lvl 1 with a stick and i want some enemies to be stronger so player cant handle them untill he grows a bit and gets proper weapon and how should i add stats on weapon? i dont want to make it too powerfull but i want the damage for the sword to increase on the player strenght count so if the sword requires 70 strenght to equip but has 50 damage i dont know if i said it right but weapons arent based on lvl but on requirements to put them on, ill meditate on asking these questions better but for now some people will get the idea, and the hp count, i want the player to have 100 hp as lvl 1 but as it grows should it increase by x ammount every lvl? or should i let the player distribute stats in Vitality to raise the player hp, umm im looking for a system for it like i dont know 8 points of hp per 1 vitality? and strenght 1 point for 1 damage increase? so if a sword needs 30 str to equip and has 20 damage on hit will deal 50 damage?, i’m looking for a way to have the game in a certain balance so player will have a not so easy time dealing with enemies but not too hard so that he wont unistall after 20 minutes haha

This is literally, fully and completely up to you and your game design. It depends on what kinds of number you want to see, ie damage in orders or magnitude of 10, or 1000 or 1000000. And how the scaling is supposed to work… which stats are “strong”? Could be linear scaling, ie one strength adding one damage to a weapon, or quadratic, or something entirely different.

It’s a very subjective topic, and mainly depends on your game design, so there is no one true answer. Effectively this is about “balancing”, which is a huge pain in the a…rm, even for bigger companies running online games.
Really, it’s best to experiment around a bit. Think about what kind of numbers you want, how to get there, and how to create a scaling system that does not get out of control. After you have the basic system in place it should be easy to create items with the right stats such that a player level 1 can defeat them, or not.

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There is a video about how this was made(and some more about items and such on author channel).

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ooooh there’s an asset for it! ( i didn’t look tbh i was just thinking about it xD’

okay i understand it is awsome! thank you :slight_smile: this step done
next one i was wondering if you or any might have an idea on how to umm ( no idea how to say this ) to set the enemy hp/defense/damage in a way that will be in tune with players growth , like once the player reaches a certain point in my story ( quests ) i want that area to have more challanging foes but not impossible to kill, how do i calculate this so that i can set it on enemies? will i need an algorithm? umm example : at lvl 1 player will have attribute base of 10 for each and stick will need 10 str to equip ill give it umm 8 damage per hit, and a lvl 1 monster i want it to die in 3-4 hits but i want it to kill the player in 2-3 hits and player base hp will be 100, how should i calculate these things so that the player when he’s lvl 20 or so wont have to face a foe that takes 20 minutes to kill with each hit barely scratching him and after the kill he gets umm 100 exp cause it was a weak mob xD

wow you are a beast !!! i get it now, i want something linear and simply, cause i’m working on a borowed laptop ( is my moms) and not that powerfull just i3 7th gen cpu 8 gb ram normal hdd not ssd , budget laptop so is not really about the game is more about the story that i created for it, all i need is a functional game so that the player can experience the world that i created and enjoy the story so main focus is to have something that works and to throw it out there , afterwards when i have an income i can buy a proper machine to work on and sign up for proper classes and buy/hire what i need to create my vision as i see it but for now is like umm an introduction to my creation so a linear and simple system works just fine but now i get it ill use it by 10 or 100, 1000 is too much that should work thank you :slight_smile: