i am implementing Unity3d Networking i want a UI across same to All Clients not All client has their own UI.Same UI Sharing all client.
When i change the UI parameter so my UI Update all Client are updated .
When i am trying to do this Unity3d Network Manager create a Separate UI for ALL Clients means if i have 10 Clients then Unity3d Create 10 UI For my All Client like MMO games. but scenerio is different.
For Illustratration :-
When i connect my client to host unity3d hirarchy has 2 UI’s.
when 3 client the hirarchy has 3 UI’s
so on … but i want to Share a single UI to Across network and change it from Across network is there any method or some thing
U can put 1 UI (canvas) in the scene, which could be activated and synchronized with the other cliets if a client connects and then:
Assuming there is a Button that does something, which u would then want to happen on all clients, u could do the following:
The button could call a [Command] function, which is executed on the Server. In that function u can then call a [ClientRpc] function from the server and do something in it. This function is executed on all clients, so its basically as if u would press the button on all clients.
I can also imagine another Method maybe more elegant scenario, where the UI updates itself in certain intervalls with [SyncVars] in ur Scripts. U could then call all functions as [Commands] when changing variables. The Change of the variable on the Server would then be synchronized with all clients, and their UIs would update themselves.
Those are just some quick Suggestions, there may be A LOT more ways to achieve this.