Hey! I’m making a battleship game and so far, it been good but now i want to add a script that when i’m shooting my prefab(my bullet), in colliding with a game object(rival boat) an animation plays, and then destroy.Gameobject.
i’m not some scripting guru, and now i’m stuk! can anyone help me with this?
Well, I will give you some tips to start. To begin it’s not
You already know how to shoot right? If not you can use the shoot function I gave you in the question of the turret AI(yes that was me)
Well to check if the bullet hit something do this:
function OnCollisionEnter(hit : Collision){
if(hit.transform.tag == "rivalboat"){//this checks if the object you hit is a
//transform tagged "rivalboat"
yield WaitForSeconds(anim.length);
This script would go to the bullet. you need to define anim as an animation for this to work. cuz I think you meant that it plays an animation if it’s dead or hit and then it destroys.
Little misunderstanding, If you want to use the explosion prefab, just instantiate it:
var explosion : Rigidbody;//Need to apply a rigidbody 2 the prefab if you use this
var explosionSpawn : Transform
and then:
Instantiate(explosion, explosionSpawn.position, explosionSpawn.rotation);
Good Luck
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Do you think you could post what this entire script would look like? Sorry I’m very new to scripting… are there any vars? How do you know if your GameObject is a transform?