How to show an array of custom objects in Inspector?

I can show one object, but not an array of them.

BasicLight in Inspector: (I want to show an array of these)

LightTube contains an array of BasicLights and looks like this: (This does not work, I want to show an array of four fields each)

How do I get an array of BasicLights to show the fields of each element (that we see in the first image)?
I have also tried making a CustomPropertyDrawer (not shown here), but I haven’t been able to get it to work with the custom inspector. Any suggestions?

Code is below.

(a basic light, of which arrays will be made of in the inspector)

public class BasicLight : MonoBehaviour
    public bool isLightOn = false;

    public string name;
    public GameObject light;
    public float range = 30.0f;
    public float intensity = 1.5f;

(creates the GUI controls in Inspector)

public class EditBasicLight : Editor
    public override void OnInspectorGUI ()
        serializedObject.Update ();
        BasicLight basicLight = target as BasicLight;

        basicLight.isLightOn = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("on", basicLight.isLightOn);

        EditorGUI.indentLevel++; = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("name",;
        basicLight.light = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("light", basicLight.light);
        basicLight.range = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("range", basicLight.range);
        basicLight.intensity = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("intnsity", basicLight.intensity);

BaseLight (LightTube inherits from this)
(attached to the GameObject)
(Other classes will extend this, hence the name ‘Base’Light.)

public class BaseLight : MonoBehaviour
    public bool on = false;
    public BasicLight [] lights;

(BaseLight Editor. Creates the GUI controls in Inspector)
(But how do you get the array to show correctly)

public class EditBaseLight : Editor
    public override void OnInspectorGUI ()
        serializedObject.Update ();
        BaseLight baseLight = target as BaseLight;

        EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeInspector ();

        SerializedObject serializedObj = new SerializedObject (target);
        SerializedProperty lights = serializedObject.FindProperty ("lights");

        serializedObj.Update ();
        EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Default Inspector", MessageType.None);
        serializedObj.ApplyModifiedProperties ();


public class LightTube : BaseLight



public class EditLightTube : EditBaseLight
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        LightTube lightTube = target as LightTube;

        base.OnInspectorGUI ();

When I add “[System.Serializable]” in front of my class definition, it works.

I discovered that if I remove the extension from MonoBehaviour, it shows the fields for each array element in Inspector.

However, I want to do special checks for input (eg when they check a box, turn on a light). So when I create the CustomEditor class, it requires a MonoBehaviour object.

So I’m stuck choosing one or the other. Either I can have the array show it correctly, or I can have a custom editor.

Is there any way to have both?

I also tried putting [SerializeField] before every variable in the BasicLight but there was no change.