How to show and remove text before player has started the game?

I got my game to the point where my scene prototype is complete. But I can’t think of a good way to show text before playing. I want my game to show before playing: “Place your finger in the ring to start.” Then after the player has placed his finger in the ring the scene unpauses? or just the scripts go off and the game begins. I was thinking of having two same looking scenes one with the text but without any scripts attached to objects and the other the normal scene and once the the finger is placed game switches the scenes, but that probably will cause stutter and loading on slower devices.
I’d like to hear some tips on how to do this better, preferably with the new UI system, since I want to incorporate it in my game for easier and more consistent UI managing. I’m scripting in C#.

Hey bud,

I wouldn’t say that this is the most efficient way to handle this problem, but i generally like to hide the game object when it comes to this situation. You could have it so when the game reads that the player clicks it will disable the text.

try this:

You could also just move the text object away from the canvas so it is not visible in the camera.