How to simply add two layers?

I’m totally new to shader graph, so I have trouble even figuring out something simple as adding two layers.
Let’s say I have to Ellipse nodes, one red and one black 25% alpha. How do I blend them so it looks like this?

Also, is there a way to show alpha in the preview box of each step of the shader? Having a black Ellipse isn’t really easy to see, except in the Main preview, where the alpha is shown. :slight_smile:

In my photoshop image there are two layers, the black one is below, and all have blend mode normal, I guess this should be simple, but I can’t figure it out. Thanks :slight_smile:

6216858--683526--Skärmavbild 2020-08-18 kl. 08.19.30.png

Never mind, Add node was what I was looking for. The problem was that one of the layers i tried to merge didn’t have an alpha channel, causing issues.