how to simulate disc/cylinder physics


We’re thinking of porting our game Disc Pool to Unity. It would be really nice if we could use PhysX to simulate the discs but there’s no cylinder primitive. How would you solve this?

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If there is no basic collider / a collection of basic colliders(component colliders) that can represent your object just use a mesh collider.

You can model a low poly disk mesh that represents your disk and use that in the mesh collider.

Since your game is actually a 2d game (from a logical perspective, not visual) you might want to use Unity’s 2d physics where you have circle colliders. The 2d physics however use the x and y axis so you might want to rotate your scene by 90° so your actualgame area represents the x-y-plane instead of x-z-plane.

Using 2d physics still allows you to use 3d objects but any kind of physics movement would be restricted to 2d.