How to snap UI element anchor relative to image sprite?

I have a UI panel and it contains UI images, I want to make that every time when I create new instance of image, that instance had the anchor relative to image sprite. Image sprite size can change, and I know that I have to use RectTransform.anchorMax and RectTransform.anchorMin, but cannot find solution.

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What it is

alt text
What I want

Here is my workaround.

using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class SetAnchorsByImageCorners : MonoBehaviour
    [MenuItem ("CONTEXT/RectTransform/Set Anchor by corners")]
    static void SetAnchor (MenuCommand command) 
        var rt = command.context.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
        var rtParent = command.context.GetComponent<RectTransform>().parent.GetComponent<RectTransform>();

        Vector3[] rtCorners = new Vector3[4];  
        Vector3[] rtParentCorners = new Vector3[4];  

        var rtP1 = rtCorners[0];
        var rtP2 = rtCorners[2];
        var rtParentP1 = rtParentCorners[0];
        var rtParentP2 = rtParentCorners[2];

        rtP1 = rtP1 - rtParentP1;
        rtP2 = rtP2 - rtParentP1;
        rtParentP2 = rtParentP2 - rtParentP1;
        rtParentP1 =;

        var min = new Vector2(rtP1.x / rtParentP2.x, rtP1.y / rtParentP2.y);
        var max = new Vector2(rtP2.x / rtParentP2.x, rtP2.y / rtParentP2.y);

        rt.anchorMin = min;
        rt.anchorMax = max;
        rt.sizeDelta =;
        rt.anchoredPosition =;

@Developer061 You saved my time by million hours! Gracias!

Sorry to say but you have to do it manually for each sprite,
The proper way is

  1. to reset the rect transfrom of the UI Image and
  2. press the setNative button, it will be centered with the original size of the sprite
  3. Set the Anchors manually

Btw it can be set to the anchors of the Parent by from the inpector150859-capture2.png

I need the same thing and “sorry to say Unity sucks” doesn’t work for me - the worse thing if you try to do a code for this changing anchor position will change image/sprite position too…

Here’s how much code you need to perform this function. You can create some editor addon or just like me use [ExecuteInEditMode] select your target and run this exact script on it.

RectTransform rt = target.GetComponent<RectTransform>(); 
Vector2 pos = rt.transform.position, 
size = new Vector2(rt.rect.width, rt.rect.height)/2,
pos1 = pos - size, pos2 = pos + size;
rt.anchorMin = new Vector2(pos1.x / Screen.width, pos1.y / Screen.height);
rt.anchorMax = new Vector2(pos2.x / Screen.width, pos2.y / Screen.height); 
rt.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);
rt.sizeDelta = new Vector2(0, 0);