How to solve my prefab to be non-kinematic?

Hi Guys,

I have a game manager with a script that spawn a prefab.
It has this warning/error, though it’s still work but I would I like to solve it.

Error/warning message:

Actor::setLinearVelocity: Actor must be (non-kinematic) dynamic!
gameManager_script:SendEnemy() (at Assets/_scripts/gameManager_script.js:25)
gameManager_script:Start() (at Assets/_scripts/gameManager_script.js:12)

Below is the code,
#pragma strict

var enemySpwn1 : Transform;
var enemyTarg1 : Transform;
var enemyPrefab : GameObject;
var targetDir : Vector3;
private var enemySpeed = 0.1;

function Start () {

	targetDir = enemyTarg1.position - enemySpwn1.transform.position;
	SendEnemy ();


function Update () {


function SendEnemy()
	var instantiatedProjectile : GameObject = Instantiate
		(enemyPrefab, enemySpwn1.transform.position, this.transform.rotation);
//This is the one that is requiring my prefab
//(which is a empty game object added a rigid body) to be non-kinematic & to set velocity
        	instantiatedProjectile.rigidbody.velocity =  

In short, my prefab gameobject, (1) must turn off IsKinematic & (2) set velocity. But I don’t know how. I can turn it off, but it also means physics stuff will affect it, I want to learn how to solve it.
Any advice?

Thanks in advance.

If the rigidbody is kinematic then it cannot have a velocity - you need to move it yourself using the normal functions in a FixedUpdate() call - setting the transform.position yourself as if there were no physics involved. Other objects will still react to it moving however.