How to solve playerInput.onControlsChanged and gamepad move cursor(WarpCursorPosition) problem?

I want change input icon immediately.
When i use gamepad,icon change to gamepad icon.
When i use keyboard and mouse,icon change to keyboard&Mouse.

So i set inputAction like this

and i use playerInput.onControlsChanged event to get current device displayString

public void OnControlsChanged(PlayerInput input)
        string runStr = playerInput.actions["Run"].GetBindingDisplayString();
        Debug.Log($"InputSystemTest -> OnControlsChanged: {runStr}");

It works weel on other gamepad key or keyboard&Mouse
But i use gamepad stick to move cursor (Mouse.current.WarpCursorPosition(value))

void Update()
        if (Gamepad.current == null)
        // Get the joystick position
        rightStick = Gamepad.current.rightStick.ReadValue();
        // Prevent annoying jitter when not using joystick
        if (rightStick.magnitude < 0.1f) return;
        // Get the current mouse position to add to the joystick movement
        var mousePos = Mouse.current.position.ReadValue();
        mousePosition = new Vector2(mousePos.x, mousePos.y);
        // Precise value for desired cursor position, which unfortunately cannot be used directly
        warpPosition = mousePosition + bias + overflow + sensitivity * Time.deltaTime * rightStick;
        // Keep the cursor in the game screen (behavior gets weird out of bounds)
        warpPosition = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(warpPosition.x, 0, Screen.width), Mathf.Clamp(warpPosition.y, 0, Screen.height));
        // Store floating point values so they are not lost in WarpCursorPosition (which applies FloorToInt)
        overflow = new Vector2(warpPosition.x % 1, warpPosition.y % 1);
        // Move the cursor

when i push rightStick the playerInput.onControlsChanged will continuously alternately receive mouse event and gamepad event like this

So how do i resolve the conflict between playerInput.onControlsChanged and WarpCursorPosition?

I would greatly appreciate any leads you can provide.