How to spawn a 'boss' after a certain amount of time has passed and then kill that 'boss'?

Hi all,

I only have basic ability with Unity and cannot figure out the answer to what looks like a simple question. I have three enemies in my level, and would like to spawn a ‘boss’ once they’re defeated. Here is my original spawn code so far:

//here are the 3 enemys we want to spawn (the orb,    asteroid, and ship)
var enemy1:GameObject;
var enemy2:GameObject;
var enemy3:GameObject;
//here is the minimum and maximum height we want them to spawn. it can be changed in the inspector
var maxHeight:float = 6.0;
var minHeight:float = -6.0;

//here are private variables we use for the spawner
private var counter:float = 0.0;
private var player:GameObject;
private var randomChoice:int;
private var spawnRate:float = 2.0;

function Update () {
//counter counts based on time here so the spawner can spawn based on time
counter += Time.deltaTime;
//here we make the spawner slowly spawn faster until it is spawning 3 a second.
if(spawnRate > 0.33){
spawnRate -= Time.deltaTime/80;
//if the counter is higher than the spawnrate number, it'll spawn an object
if(counter > spawnRate){
//before one is spawned we have to decide at random which one to spawn
randomChoice = Random.Range(1,6);
//asteroids take up 3 out of the 5 possible spawns, making it spawn the most often
if(randomChoice >= 1 && randomChoice <= 3){
Instantiate(enemy1, Vector3(transform.position.x,0,Random.Range(minHeight,maxHeight)), Quaternion.Euler(-90,0,0));
//if the random number ends up being 4, it'll spawn the orb, set as enemy2
if(randomChoice == 4){
Instantiate(enemy2, Vector3(transform.position.x,0,Random.Range(minHeight/3,maxHeight/3)), Quaternion.Euler(-90,0,0));
//if the random number ends up being 5, it'll spawn the ship, set as enemy3
if(randomChoice == 5){
Instantiate(enemy3, Vector3(transform.position.x,0,Random.Range(minHeight,maxHeight)), Quaternion.Euler(-90,90,0));

counter = 0.0;


The code I experimented with got really messed up and disorganized. This script spawns all my enemies and is attached to my level scene. Please point me in the right directions as to how to add the boss part to the script.

Thanks in advance

Actually its pretty simple.

Have a static field called deathcounter, initialize it to 0

When an enemy dies, add 1 to the deathcounter and check to see if its reached 3.

When it reaches 3, spawn your boss