How to spawn diferent game objects in an array?

I have been trying for hours to get this to work and I have not come up with the answer searching either. What I am try to do in JScript:
Spawn different replacements after my enemies are destroyed. For example when it is destroyed I want an explosion to instantiate in its place and and sometimes a wreakage as well. Here is the code I am using but nothing happens after an enemy is destroyed:

#pragma strict

var hp : float;
var replacementSpawn : GameObject[];
var replacement : GameObject;

//Take Damage Function
//Subtract damage from hp

function TakeDamage( damage : float )
	hp = hp - damage;
	if(hp <= 0)
			var i : float = 0;
			while( i < replacementSpawn.Length)
			Instantiate (replacement, replacementSpawn_.transform.position, replacementSpawn*.transform.rotation);*_

* i++;*
* }*

* Network.Destroy(gameObject);*
* }*


See the docs: Unity - Scripting API: Object.Instantiate or search “Unity Instantiate.” It’s the second example. Shows how to spawn something and keep the link to it.

In your case, you’d need replacementSpawn*=*