How to Spawning object on top Of Voxel random terrain (code here)

Hello, i need some help can someone tell me how can i Randomly spawn a prefab on voxel terrain surface?
Here are two scripts that control World and Biomes: I really need this if you will help me i will credit you in my game for sure if you want to, becasue i really really need this :S
Biome script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Biome {
public string name = “Unknown Biome”;
public string desc = “No desc”;

public float idealMoisture = 0, idealRockiness = 0;

public BrickLayer[ ] brickLayers;

public byte GetBrick(int y, float mountainValue, float blobValue, float moisture, float rockiness) {
BrickLayer bestBidder = null;
float bestBid = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < brickLayers.Length; a++)
float bid = brickLayers[a].Bid(y, mountainValue, blobValue, moisture, rockiness);
if (bid > bestBid)

bestBid = bid;
bestBidder = brickLayers[a];


if (bestBidder == null)
return 0;
return (byte)bestBidder.brick;
public float Bid (float moisture, float rockiness) {

float delta = Mathf.Abs(moisture - idealMoisture) + Mathf.Abs(rockiness - idealRockiness);
return 100 / (delta + 1);

World script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class World : MonoBehaviour {

public Texture2D defaultBrickTexture;

public Biome[ ] biomes;

public static World currentWorld;
public int chunkWidth = 20, chunkHeight = 20, seed = 0;
public float viewRange = 30;

public float brickHeight = 1;
public Transform[ ] Object;
public Chunk chunkFab;

// Use this for initialization
void Awake () {
currentWorld = this;
if (seed == 0)
seed = Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue);

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

for (int a = 0; a < Chunk.chunks.Count; a++)
Vector3 pos = Chunk.chunks[a].transform.position;
Vector3 delta = pos - transform.position;
delta.y = 0;
if (delta.magnitude < viewRange + chunkWidth * 3) continue;
Destroy (Chunk.chunks[a].gameObject);

for (float x = transform.position.x - viewRange; x < transform.position.x + viewRange; x+= chunkWidth)
for (float z = transform.position.z - viewRange; z < transform.position.z + viewRange; z+= chunkWidth)

Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x, 0, z);

pos.x = Mathf.Floor(pos.x / (float)chunkWidth) * chunkWidth;
pos.z = Mathf.Floor(pos.z / (float)chunkWidth) * chunkWidth;

// Shave square.
Vector3 delta = pos - transform.position;
delta.y = 0;
if (delta.magnitude > viewRange) continue;

Chunk chunk = Chunk.FindChunk(pos);
if (chunk != null)

chunk = (Chunk)Instantiate(chunkFab, pos, Quaternion.identity);



public static Biome GetIdealBiome(float moisture, float rockiness)

float bestBid = 0;
Biome biome = currentWorld.biomes[0];
for (int a = 0; a < currentWorld.biomes.Length; a++)
float bid = currentWorld.biomes[a].Bid(moisture, rockiness);
if (bid > bestBid)
bestBid = bid;
biome = currentWorld.biomes[a];
return biome;


Please use the code tags provided. It is hard to read code without it…

Biome script

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Biome {
public string name = "Unknown Biome";
public string desc = "No desc";

public float idealMoisture = 0, idealRockiness = 0;

public BrickLayer[] brickLayers;

public byte GetBrick(int y, float mountainValue, float blobValue, float moisture, float rockiness) {
BrickLayer bestBidder = null;
float bestBid = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < brickLayers.Length; a++)
float bid = brickLayers[a].Bid(y, mountainValue, blobValue, moisture, rockiness);
if (bid > bestBid)

bestBid = bid;
bestBidder = brickLayers[a];


if (bestBidder == null)
return 0;
return (byte)bestBidder.brick;
public float Bid (float moisture, float rockiness) {

float delta = Mathf.Abs(moisture - idealMoisture) + Mathf.Abs(rockiness - idealRockiness);
return 100 / (delta + 1);

World script

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class World : MonoBehaviour {

public Texture2D defaultBrickTexture;

public Biome[] biomes;

public static World currentWorld;
public int chunkWidth = 20, chunkHeight = 20, seed = 0;
public float viewRange = 30;

public float brickHeight = 1;
public Transform[] Object;
public Chunk chunkFab;

// Use this for initialization
void Awake () {
currentWorld = this;
if (seed == 0)
seed = Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue);

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

for (int a = 0; a < Chunk.chunks.Count; a++)
Vector3 pos = Chunk.chunks[a].transform.position;
Vector3 delta = pos - transform.position;
delta.y = 0;
if (delta.magnitude < viewRange + chunkWidth * 3) continue;
Destroy (Chunk.chunks[a].gameObject);

for (float x = transform.position.x - viewRange; x < transform.position.x + viewRange; x+= chunkWidth)
for (float z = transform.position.z - viewRange; z < transform.position.z + viewRange; z+= chunkWidth)

Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x, 0, z);

pos.x = Mathf.Floor(pos.x / (float)chunkWidth) * chunkWidth;
pos.z = Mathf.Floor(pos.z / (float)chunkWidth) * chunkWidth;

// Shave square.
Vector3 delta = pos - transform.position;
delta.y = 0;
if (delta.magnitude > viewRange) continue;

Chunk chunk = Chunk.FindChunk(pos);
if (chunk != null)

chunk = (Chunk)Instantiate(chunkFab, pos, Quaternion.identity);



public static Biome GetIdealBiome(float moisture, float rockiness)

float bestBid = 0;
Biome biome = currentWorld.biomes[0];
for (int a = 0; a < currentWorld.biomes.Length; a++)
float bid = currentWorld.biomes[a].Bid(moisture, rockiness);
if (bid > bestBid)
bestBid = bid;
biome = currentWorld.biomes[a];
return biome;

