How to Specify System to run on Custom World?

I created a staging world to assist with loading many runtime-configured entities.

What annotation do I use or how do I specify that I want a system to run on my custom world only?

I tried [WorldSystemFilter] with no success. When I look in the entity browser and change world to “staging” the systems tab is always empty.


You can create your own UpdateInWorldAttribute with your own WorldType enum, then wherever you add your systems check the attribute to inject them into the correct world.

Thank Scorr,
Can you point me to any examples?

Ok i have some experience with this.


create a new world:

var newWorld = new World(“custom world”);

now add some systems to the newWorld:


Thats it. You now need to tick these worlds manually (what iam doing), or you need add them to the current game loop, but i dont know how its done in the new api