Hi developers
I’m 19 years old and for more than a year I would like to create a simple video game but I don’t study informatics at school (but mechanical design so I know how to design 3d stuff) so I really don’t now how to code (I mean totally). My question is not how to start to use unity (I know there are tons of tutorials) but what I should do before? probably study c++? java? I really don’t know how to start, what are the requirements to start to learn unity and finally try to create a game? thanks
The primary language of Unity is C#, so start with that. Follow the tutorials linked above to learn Unity itself and some programming. The best way is really to set small goals and learn the bit of coding you need to reach each of those, until you have a simple game.
There are Unity books out there such as this one:
Plus, there are always simple projects like a flashcard program. I made a flashcard program over here:
And, there is stuff like Pong, but there can be some issues with that. (i.e. Physics)
Also, there is game modding, where you take an existing project and modify it. You could pull stuff from the Unity Asset Store and mod it.
For instance, I took a Space Shooter game and modded it into this:
Anyway, I guess the bottom line is to start simple or start modding. And maybe get a book or two.
Thanks guys I will start studying c#!!