How To Start Using Vivox???

I am making a multiplayer game in unity using their networking relay and lobby system. Now I am trying to add in voice chat using Vivox and I really need help figuring out how to start up and use it. I’ve been googling a lot and I cannot find any well thought out good explanations of how to use Vivox when joining a lobby. I’ve read a bunch of other forums and documentations and still can’t figure out what everything does in script and in editor, so if anybody who knows vivox could help me I would very much appreciate it.

In such cases where don’t know how to proceed, make a new project and follow the steps outlined in the manual: Vivox Unity SDK quickstart guide

Basically make it work exactly as instructed in isolation. Provided the instructions are correct and you follow them precisely it should work.

Once you have that, you’ve likely learned enough about how it works and can then apply the same to your current project. If not, at least you have a concrete issue you can ask for help with.

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Ok, I read the whole documentation and I can initialize Vivox and join a channel, but I can’t find anything that tells me how to actually use the components of vivox in the editor like the vivox channel audio tap. Do I need those components at all?