How to stick mesh particles to wall in terrain environment

Hello all,

I have a terrain environment, where i need to make mesh particles stick to the wall at certain conditions(depends on player health and timer).

Is it possible to find the wall co-ordinates and emit particles on it ? pathway is not straight so walls are also curved a lot.

how to make walls sticky ? how to make particles get stuck to it ?

Is there any other best way to implement this requirement in my game ? please help me…!

The words “terrain” and “wall” don’t go together, so I have no clue what you’re trying to say with that.

Regardless, to make Shurken particles “stick” to any surface with a collider should be possible, provided your ParticleSystem has “World” Collision enabled. Have you investigated the Shuriken documentation or experimented with this setting?

To make them “stick” may require scripting. Have a look at the documentation on this topic.