Hello everyone,
I downloaded few animations from Mixamo. In case of few animations(With “In place” option not available), animation resetting transform after animation complete. I already searched everywhere but didn’t find any solution. Apply Root Motion is already checked and animation loop is already disabled. I am using Animation Type as Generic and not Humanoid.
Hello, anyone?
Have you enabled “Bake Into Pose” on the animation?
Mixamo animations tend to have that disabled.
Check under Clip-specific properties here:
As I am using Generic Animation type, there is no option of Bake Into Pose. Even with Bake into pose while using Humanoid, it won’t solve this problem. Actually what happening is Main parent Gameobject transform is not changing in Mixamo animation. So when animation start, child objects change transform but main parent gameobject stay in same place. After animation complete child gameobject going back to main parent object position. and that’s creating this problem. But I succeed to solve this problem somehow, but not sure if this is the best way.
I wonder if the problem you’re having is the same as my problem. I am using a humanoid, and it feels like it’s working for me most of the time.
Here’s my issue, super similar… but different?