How to stop inspector window from resetting back to top

Hi all,

I have a game object with quite a number of script components attached to it. My hour-to-hour work flow involves scrolling down to a given script on the game object to “inspect” it. When after i decided what change to make in the script, make the change in visual studio, and save the script. When i hop back to Unity, i find the game object inspector has “reset” its scrolled “position”. Having automatically scrolled all the way up to the top of the game objects’ inspector -i.e. till where the transform component is visible.
Because of this behavior, every time i go make changes to the script in the IDE, save, and come back, i have to scroll down again to the particular script’s inspector to “inspect” the changes. Which can get annoying after a while -or when working out a problem.
Does anyone know how i can “freeze” the inspector scroll position? I’m not referring to locking the inspector of the game object -i already have that toggled, i’m looking for a setting that can disable the resetting of the scroll of the game object inspector.

Thank you for reading all this.

Hey, same thing is driving me crazy ! How did you solve the issue ?