How to Stop objects when following other object

Hey I’m creating a game where certain game objects are set to follow an “alpha” game object, the problem is that when the alpha stops moving, ideally the other objects are supposed to stop moving as well but they keep moving a little to get close to the alpha and then theres this “dog piling” event that takes place where they just push the alpha until it hits a collider in attempt to get close to it. I was trying to create a broadcast to stop this from happening but it doesn’t see to be working, I was wondering if you all had any suggestions. (it doesn’t have to be a broadcast)


Look at Vector3.Disttance. Or create your own distance with target.transform.position - transform.position. Create r go to method with the distance you get from either of those and stop the entity when it gets within that distance from the target. So now the entity just has to get close.

As well you can use a random between 1 and the distance + 2 or 3 to get the entity to all stop at random closeness to the target for a natural feel.