How to stop player jiggle when running in to a object 2d

With Physics (or Physics2D), never manipulate the Transform directly. If you manipulate the Transform directly, you are bypassing the physics system and you can reasonably expect glitching and missed collisions and other physics mayhem.

Always use the .MovePosition() and .MoveRotation() methods on the Rigidbody (or Rigidbody2D) instance in order to move or rotate things. Doing this keeps the physics system informed about what is going on.

With a wheel collider, use the motor or brake torque to effect motion.

Do not mix setting position with AddForce or setting velocity.

That’s like me telling you “Run that way” but then forcing you to go to a spot in the room, and then pushing on your arm in another direction. It’s three different things. Pick one.


  • add force


  • set velocity


  • compute position and call MovePosition