How to stop SteamVR hand objects physically colliding with objects with colliders?

I have geometry that I want the hands to go through without colliding with them. Normally I would just put the colliders of two objects on different layers and make the layers unable to interact in the Physics settings. But SteamVR complains if I put all the objects under the ‘player’ prefab to ‘default’ of anything else, and I don’t know what layer the hands are on or how to change this.

Anyone know?

you can set unity physics to ignore any collider interaction via Physics.IgnoreCollision

If you take reference of the collider you wish ignore at On Collision Enter, you can set your hands to ignore it.

Late answer, but if anyone else is having the same issue, here’s the solution:

The Collision-Layer of the hands is not set in the Playerprefab or it’s childs itself. Go to the “LeftHand” or “RightHand” child of the Playerprefab. Here you’ll find the “Hand Physics” Script. There’s a component called “Hand Collider Prefab”. Click on it to open the prefab. Here you can adjust the layer the hand collision is based on. It’s different for the left and right hand, so don’t forget to change the layer in both. Last step is as usual to change the Layer Collision Matrix in Edit->Project Settings->Physics


I’ve been looking at this problem for a week and I NEVER noticed the Hand Physics script on the hands!

Thank you so much!