So I am having an issue with the way my tag is being referenced, what seems to be happening is that when I look at the object tagged with “Face2” I am being returned on first pass “Face2” (this is what i’m expecting). When moving around the object the return tag switches between the tag “Face2” and “Face1”.
On the opposite end I receive no errors when looking at the object tagged with “Face1” So I’m not sure if there is something wrong with the code I have written or if I have set my tags up incorrectly.
My first assumption was that I have a logical error but cant seem to find what it is I’m doing wrong, or that when called out in the code I am referencing this out incorrectly with the way it pulls from the hierarchy.
I have checked and confirmed that changing their position on the hierarchy has not worked.
any help from you is much appreciated!
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class Cameleon : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler
public AudioSource Face1_Audio; // calling from audio source 1
public AudioSource Face2_Audio; // calling from audio sourc 2
float Timer; // timer for amount of gaze time
public bool Hover = false;
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) // is gaze creating a pointerevent
GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value, 1.0f); // assignes the values of random to the new color
string Face = gameObject.tag; // find gameobject that the OnPointerEnter
if (Face == "Face1") // comparing last press event with face_1 if true then
Face1_Audio.mute = false; // sound back to original
Face2_Audio.mute = true; // mute audio Still play
Debug.Log("hello,this is face1");
else if (Face == "Face2") // if not face_1 then chack to see if face_2
Face1_Audio.mute = true; // mute audio still play
Face2_Audio.mute = false; // sound back to original
Debug.Log("hello, this is face2");
else // if neather of these then do nothing
Debug.Log("neither Face1 or Face2");
//code seems to break right here only when these three lines below are place.
string What = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject.tag; // goes to the event system and finds the tag of the current selected game object
Debug.Log(What); // refuses to output any information
Debug.Log("this is the returned string of currentSelectedGameObject");
bool Still_there = EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject(); // looks in EventSystem to see if pointer is on a gameboject
if (Still_there) // looking to see if player is still gazing at the object, if they are do following code
Timer += Time.deltaTime; // noticed that time only increments when player moves around (think this as something to do with the way OnPointerEnter updates
Debug.Log("this is on pointer still there");
if (Timer == 1.0f)
Debug.Log("reached 1.0f");
if (Timer >= 1.0f)
Timer = 0.0f;
else if (!Still_there) // resets the timer to 0 (never enters this)
Timer = 0.0f;
Debug.Log("this is on pointer not there");