How to store a variable after quit? (iOS)

Well basically, I want a variable that would allow me to save things. Now when you quit the game, the game essentially resets. Is there some simple way, so that if I wanted the player to have something unlocked, I could just put:

var silencer == true; and keep it even after they quit? I’ve made a few games in Unity and have 10s of hours of experience, but I never figured this one out. I’ve heard of player prefs, but if there was a simpler way of saving a variable or anything else it would be great.
thanks, and I’ve heard of Static Variables. simply putting static var right? I not sure what static variables do, but does it save it after a quit?

Thanks again,

A static variable is one that is declared in a global scope so that it can be accessed without a class instance. Whereas a member variable is one that is defined within the scope of an object instance.

In any case, static will not persist the value of the variable after leaving your game. Instead you should consider using the player preferences class for simple variables like this:

// Use 1 for true and 0 for false
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("inventory.silencer", silencer ? 1 : 0);

Also see: Unity - Scripting API: PlayerPrefs

you can use player prefs here is a documentation. Btw static vars no not change so they use up less resources and can be easier accessed globally