How to support all the PS4 Controller features - Such as it's speaker, touchpad, vibration, and light color; For different platforms other than the PS4?

On Android/IOS/Linux/Mac/Windows how can I access all the PS4 Controller features - Such as it’s speaker, touchpad, vibration, and light color?

I’m currently using a Non-Paid version of Unity.

I’m interested in answers that point me either to:

  • How to achieve this through Unity’s built-in functionality (Do point out if such functionality isn’t available for free, or if there’s some kind of necessary bureaucracy behind it)
  • -OR- Frameworks (preferably free) that do so.

I believe the answers will help many.

Thank you for your time!

To be honest, the inbuilt Unity input system is not currently fit for anything other then trivial single-player, single-platform input. It is in the process of beong revised (see the forum here) but, in the meantime, you’ll need to code your own or use an asset such as Rewired:

Both in the new and the old input system i don’t still know how to use these ps4-specific features.